          太陽花 You are rich and famous, your son must not be allowed to marry any poor nobody woman, not mention any sucking shameless "Yan.Ill.Bi.Lay"; if he must marry anyone of poor unknown or any shameless career liar "Yan.Ill.Bi.Lay", you have to learn from that rich and famous dad showed in that film "Love Story" to force your son to cut his entire tie with anyone who has any bit of finance tie with you; if any poor unknown man wants to marry your daughter, he (That means he can only stay inside the big ranch that owned by your daughter and your daughter's real parents only, and go hunting along with your daughter's real brothers real father real uncle real male cousins only. He must not ever be allowed to see anyone else out of your immediately family members, not mention to be allowed to see any your property paper, not mention to be allowed to know any your business or company.) has to cut all his social tie but see only your family immediately 有巢氏房屋members only. You are rich family son or you chosen to be rich family son-in-law, you have to make sure you are the best "Yo.勇5.Mold" guy (Because "Mold" is following sick weak wicked, worse than following low lower lowest, a crime of digging darkest "Sheng.Boot.Rule.10" hells for all tied linked to be jailed, only that best careful doctor may afford to do with his really kindest calmest hot), best "Yo.勇5.Mold" guy must have to make sure that he has the strongest physical body and best sniper skill ready to fight with his real life (Because you are rich son, you have to know that even your China Dynasty can ge gone, not mention your personal rich, therefore, you have to make sure that you can always rely on your own physical to live in the wild; if you are too short to qualify standing on that strongest line, you have to spend all your own personal time to do your best 節能燈具 to make most powerful killing machine and bomb to make up your short, and to do your duty to kill any immoral "Bow.xxck.Fool".) to deserve a life; you are rich family daughter or you chosen to be rich family daughter in law, you have to make sure you are best "Ann.Yu.10" Chinese moral woman (Because that best moral woman can deserve all those cared loved by her the best luck), not ever to leave your own home any bit of step behind. 太陽花-第30集-ep-30/ Part 4 At 07:04/11:25That how that sucking "Sung.Yan.Choice" should die rather sooner than later, because she's too suck to know that she has no right to leave her own sucking daughter alone (Any careful mother would rather keep her own daughter at her own home along with herself instead of shamelessly go to her daugher parents in law or parent in law's home to show her own sucks; any best will m 長灘島other would bring her own daughter along with her to go back her daughter's parent in law's home to ask a divorce instead of blaming any her daughter's in law family member.) at her own home to go to bother her daughter's parent(s) in law by herself (Your sucking daughter chosen to marry to that rich son, that Chinese said "Job.True.去.The.女兒.Pour.True.去.The.sway". Your daughter dare shamelessly back to your home, the only thing you can do is to keep her inside your own home the rest of her life or the rest of your own life. That how no matter how poor how weak sick that major female role in that film "Love Story" showed, she and her real dad just keep each other from distance, rather die than hug , not mention to gossip any subject that links or ties to their in law family in any way. ) , not mention to slap her daugher's sister in law inside her daughter's sister in law's own home i 烤肉食材n front of that House Master eyes to show her sucking crime of seeing that House Master like nothing.太陽花 第31集 Ep 31 太陽花-第31集-ep-31/ Part 1 At 02:22-02:35..../11:36That "Sheng.Jean.Bean" doctor more sick than his sucking patient "One.Zi.Liang", because "One.Zi.Liang" at least showed some considering about giving up that pregnant, that sucking "Sheng.Jean.Bean" doctor fail to do a doctor duty to warn his patient that her families tie(s) too sick to afford to give any birth (A Doctor cannot see "honor life" like nothing, dare commit the crime to forcefully push his patient to bring innocent coming into this world to become that sucking woman's tool to show her sex crime of lie, to show his sex crime of lie, both of them should be killed immediately; had he indeed fallen in love with his sucking patient, he should bring her to abort, and stay with her all the time, or do the duty to kill 開幕活動 her when he's too suck to afford to stay with her freely. Had that sucking "Sheng.Jean.Bean" doctor can have any brain cell remaining, he should know that anyone can bend under his forceful visibly or invisibly eyes/ears/mouth, that anyone must have no way to stand firm under more forceful powerful more evil eviler evilest.) . Anyone who knows how to kill, should do the duty to kill that sucking "Sheng.Jean.Bean" doctor immediately. Part 2 At 02:44/11:36 If your sucking married pregnant daughter must have to rely on her old sick weak wicked immoral unreasonable mother's protection, she obviously not only too suck to give her own birth to be called mom, but also too suck to be married to be any man's wife. Part 2 At 10:04/11:36 Why "趙.Jean" wife can have absolute right to question that "Sheng.Jean.Bean" "Sung.Yan.Choice" on that grounded scene? Because "趙.Jean" committed the crime that Chinese said "Fool.1.7.Way.Great"; there 部落格fore, that sucking shameless "Sheng.Jean.Bean" "Sung.Yan.Choice" dare show her suck to tool the name of "趙.Jean" to nose down "趙.Jean" wife, that sucking "Sheng.Jean.Bean" "Sung.Yan.Choice" only less evil option must be killed rather sooner than later. Part 3 At 03:09/11:36That how your law makers must make law to clearly encourage man to do the duty to kill; "Sheng.Jean.Bean" mother (Shameless female dressed animal tool the name of "Sheng.Jean.Bean" to eat a moral "Ann.Yu.10" house wife bonelessly, kill her is the only way to help her as well as every one else to be better.) must be killed in order to have anyone else to be able to have a peaceful life. Part 3 At 06:15-16/11:36 Your House Master willing to spend her time to look check your luggage, can show her good will willing to take any responsibility after you left her house behind; that sucking "Sheng.Jean.Bean" daughter-"One.Zi.Liang" could have that suck to gossip behind her sister in law back with that sucking "Sheng.Jean. 部落格Bean" doctor "Chen.Zhong.Way", can tell she's too suck to know what moral integrity matters. "Gwar.Ten.Lead.Shot. B.Myan.嫌.1", especially when you are leaving your Master's house behind not to serve her House any more. It is a common sense servant must needed thoughtful act to show a respectable servant must needed "Gong.4.分.Mean" working integrity. Part 3 At 06:26/11:36 "Wall.Sean.Sin.Knee.The.Ren.Good" A daughter in law commit the crime shooting the back of her mother in law with her mother in law paid servant, can tell how that sucking "Sheng.Jean.Bean" daughter "One.Zi.Liang" only less evil option left to her is to be killed rather sooner than later. Part 3 At 06:37/11:36Kiss your ass not your friend, worse than your enemy (That how your parent or parents must be worse than your enemy when your parent or parents must have to kiss your ass to show parent selfs sucks.) ; kiss your ass cannot even be your friend, not mention to be your boss, not mention to be your House Master, not m 部落格ention to be your House Master's daughter. Part 3 At 06:56/11:36An immoral daughter in law gossip (Why I must have right to tell anyone that I did not be cared warmly by evil doer JungShiauLin's parent or parents, because it's evil doer JungShiauLin's parents made that wedding [That sucking "One.Zi.Liang" wedding made in the western style under the roof of church, she should go to church to gossip with "Moon.10" or "Sheng.Fool", "10.Moon" or Sister Teresa instead of gossip to that "Boot.10.How.Die" sucking servant slaved by "Jean.Chain.Want.Want.Sway".] on the PUBLIC street in front of their home, and it's their son evil doer JungShiauLin's promise that his mom would do the duty to take care the kids, and he himself do all the house work) with the servant paid by her "Moral" "Ann.Yu.10" mother in law behind her mother in law back that most evil invisible way, both the daugher in law and that sucking servant must be killed rather sooner than later. Part 3 At 07:51/11:36 Your en 買屋emy can help you to be better than your friend, not mention your ass kisser; that how that "1.8.掌" can fully tell that "Sheng.Jean.Bean" "Sung.Yan.Choice" crime; any self-esteem woman would not ever need to rely on slap anyone's face to show her own sucks. Part 3 At 08:42/11:36 "Knee.Way.Sir.Mold.Boot.Golf.Sue.Wall.10.What" Your sucking "Sheng.Jean.Bean" mom can lie to you, how dare you think she cannot even lie deeper darker to anyone else; that sucking "1.8.掌" she made to that sucking "趙.Jean" must be her crime of "Job.Ugly" on purposely done to fool that sucking servant "Are.Wheel" eyes. Part 3 At 10:26/11:36 If she really loves her mom, she must have no right to blame her family in law demanding her back to her own mom's home, and she must have no right to give birth to tie with her in law family's blood but to give birth of the blood to tie with her own mom.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 個人信貸  .

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